Fresh Start Wellness Center is a mental health agency that creates and implements mental health programs in the criminal justice and educational system. Founder Derrick Kiser created evidence based, solution-focused prevention and intervention programs that addresses critical issues that has a negative impact in individual life.
He started Fresh Start as a solution to a problem he directly lived through when he co-founded the first gang in Worcester,MA the second largest city in New England. He works directly with high-risk individuals in his professional work, in the school system, foster care/DCF, DYS, community based in-Home therapy, and acquired degrees and certifications directly related to aiding this population.
Fresh Start Wellness Center is a minority-owned 501(c)3 non-profit. If you’d like to support, please click the donate button on the top right corner of the page. We would appreciate your support in helping us build a healthy foundation for the next generation